dinsdag 14 augustus 2012

Daffodils in the Spring

Snow lies in the garden

The snow still lies in the garden, the trees have not yet their green color whether there radiates a yellow flower in your garden. It is our spring bloomer the Narcissus. The Narcissus is also a bulb and should be planted in the autumn. Narcissus belongs to the family Amaryllidecae. The name is derived from Greek mythology. Daffodils have a cold rest period in order to develop itself. The Daffodils come in various types and colors, pink, orange, red, white and spotted, double-flowered flowers with large yellow trumpets with bunches of yellow and white flowers. In contrast to the lily family comes to this family for underlaying ovary. You can leave quietly Daffodils naturalize, they multiply by itself and each year more flowers will come. Daffodils are classified in different categories. At this time, there are twelve categories maintained.


 The famous tale from Greek mythology of Narcissus shows how the daffodil got its name and why the flower slightly bents forward. Narcissus was a very handsome young man by the sight of his own reflection in a pond so fell in love with himself that he could not let go of the long hours staring at this unattainable beauty and slowly wasting away. Eventually changed Nemesis him into a daffodil. The bent head of the daffodil resembles the bent head of Narcissus.


 Narcissus has a rich symbolic value. In Eastern countries it is associated with the sad love, lovers who are separated, send together a daffodil as a token of their enduring love. Striking is the Arabic meaning of the word daffodil: servant. Very striking given the
slightly bent posture of the flower. In Western culture, the flower is just a symbol for the blind love for oneself, based on the Greek myth of Narcissus how the young man fell in love with his own reflection and eventually turned into a flower. The daffodil is traditionally strongly linked to the Passover, only a small portion of the flow is white or orange


 The Daffodils grows more or less in the wild in several countries of Europe and central Asia. There are about 150 species of the Narcissus, the subcategories are included. The cultivation of the Daffodils has been going on for several centuries. The Dutch are already, for some centuries, trying to improve and refine the Daffodils. Some of them smell very good. In the Netherlands you'll see in any city or village that Daffodils are planted in the verges of the roads and on the roundabouts, here are whole beds of daffodils planted. the municipalities Daffodils have low maintenance especially because they multiply themselves. The blooming of the Daffodils is between February and May. Also, the Daffodils can be planted in the shadow and he could possibly be planted in the gras. The intrest in wild species growing steadily, this has to do with the phenomenon that more and more wild plants disappear from our environment.

How do you plant the Narcissus

Daffodils are also useful for planting among groundcovers such as Vinca minor, Pahcysandra terminalis, Hedera and even Lamiastrum galeobdolon helix. Daffodils can be combined with early blooming perennials such as Euphorbia polychromatic, Beronia, Primula, Pulmonaria, Pulsatilla, Alchemila mollis, Brunnera macrophylla and late-flowering species of Helleborus. Another good use for them under bushes and trees with
transparent crowns. In the first place, varieties should be chosen which remain short, and does not produce too much leaf. The bins were on least 25 centimeters deep, but recommended is 30 centimeters. Excess water should be easy to implement. This means that a minimum of holes in the soil must sit. A layer of broken fragments of roof tiles or at the bottom will ensure that the plants do not receive too much water. If you're going plants, fill the container with potting soil to 10 cm below the rim. Press the bulbs in the ground carefully. They should be planted next to each other in away that the bulbs are almost touching. The bulbs will be not growing to become greater. Thereafter, the last layer of soil be placed on it. Of course, these bins put out. In the case of dry weather, they must be watered. Hard frost is a reason to put the pots inside into a frost-free environment. Another solution may be to the pots and containers is to rap them in plastic suits.


• Cut diagonally the flowerstalk and put the daffodils in a clean vase with clean water.
• Do not put other flowers in the water where the daffodils are in it. Daffodils separate one for other flowers harmful mucus. The result is leaf burn with added flowers.
• After a few hours separating the flowerstalk of the Daffodils they no longer produce mucus, and may perhaps have some other flowers in the vase to. Again cutting the flowerstalk will be no new cause mucus and can easily be done.
• Clean water with a drop of chlorine provides the longest flowering results.
Thats all for today, cya next time and take care. Bye, bye.


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