The Percidae family
The perch is a fish that comes from the family of real bass fish (Percidae), this species (perch) is a native species that is widely distributed in the Netherlands. The perch up to 60 centimeters long and 4.5 kilograms heavy. The perch could reach the age of 16 years. Relatives of these species include the pikeperch and the pos.
Commercial value
The perch is scattered over most of Europe and northern Asia, in lakes, ponds, wetlands, rivers and brackish water. The fish spawn from March to June in very shallow water, they sometimes lay 200,000 eggs in long ribbons reticulate. The young predatory fish often swim in schools and seeks his prey, he sucking his extendable mouth, along the shore or at the bottom. If the perch gets older he often solitary in deeper water. The perch is also one of the first fish that colonizes newly waters. In oligotrophic waters (lakes and sand pits), the perch together with the roach the dominant species. The perch is a sight hunter and thus clear water. He lives in general schools of some dozens of animals of approximately equal size. In these schools, a huge food envy occur where an alleged victim throughout the school simultaneously being hunted. The perch is a popular despite its spines prey of pike. Perch and pike are known for their cannibalism. In the summer, often very large schools with young perch for which their older counterparts a desirable prey. Even then chases the perch often in groups on the hunted fish. The perch is a very tasty fish. In the fifties and sixties of the twentieth century in the great border lakes lot perch by professional fishermen and anglers caught. Even abroad, the perch a popular table fish.
Fishing on perch
I remember it well into my teens, i went often perch fish at the IBM building, there was a very large pond and sat loaded with perch. I have dozens trapped there. Perch are voracious fish, everything fits in their mouths they eat on, several times I can not let my hook given because the perch hook far had swallowed. I solved this by cutting the line and the hook I let it sit. Where to find actually the Perch? Perch like to live above a stony bottom, near locks and dolphins, near and reeds and under overhanging shrubs. They eat small fish, various crustaceans, freshwater shrimp, caddis larvae, haftlarven, dragonfly larvae, and so many other larvae, water bugs of all kinds, and also ... earthworms! And, because the real hunters, they can be best captured with lures.
With lure fishing perch
You can use various types of fishing lures perch. Previously i went much perch fishing with a spinner. Nowadays there are various types of lures. They all have their advantages and disadvantages. I will name a few, the spinner, spoon, plugs, shads and twisters. If you want more information about the various types of lures i advise you to go to the local tackle shop, since they will be able to help you on additional information.
This was it for today, a nice short thread about the perch. Cya and take care.
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