The botanical name Fragaria comes from the Latin word "Fraga"that means aardbeitje (strawberry). The symbolism is Strawberry mementary pleasure. In many old paintings is therefore the strawberry shown to momentary pleasure to symbolize. In the Netherlands, both the culture-as for the wild strawberry. Another name for the strawberry is, 'zomerkoninkje' (little summerking).
Most strawberry varieties are self-pollinating, so no cross-pollination is necessary. A good pollination by wind and/or insects, however, is necessary in order to obtain well formed, fully mature fruits. When the bearing varieties flower throughout the summer construction, flowering and fruiting place. Some varieties can flower construction in a hot summer more or less stagnant. This flowering varieties of each inflorescence usually only the first three to five fruit harvested. Then the flower stalk with this immature fruit removed to maintain fruit size. For good fruit set is a good pollination of interest. Not only wind, but also bees are important for good pollination. A race that cross-pollination with another breed needs is 'Mieze Schrindler'. The ripe red, orange-red or sometimey its strong aroma and flavor s white flower fruit is the swollen base topped with seeds (dopvruchtjes). It is called a false fruit.
Fresh strawberries are very healthy because of their high vitamin C content (60 mg per 100g). In babies and very young children, eating fresh strawberries could cause an allergic reaction. So, start with small pieces of strawberry, so the body can get used to it.
Strawberries are widely used for making jam. This concept is usually frozen pulp used for, ready made from Poland. In addition, the strawberry by its strong aroma and flavor enhancer used in, among other yogurt. Of strawberries is often said that they are fattening, although this is unfounded, because in 100 grams of strawberries is only 7 grams of carbohydrates. In the Netherlands some people make strawberry wine. They say it taste good, i would'nt know i have never tried it before. In general most people are like strawberries. This is the sweet, mild flavor.
Strawberries are in the ground, under glass and grown under plastic. There are about 2000 ha open fields strawberries. By advancing and abandonment may in the Netherlands from late february to late december, so almost all year round, strawberries are harvested. Some breeders try this time to stretch even further to include year-round by making use of heating in winter and cooling in summer. Also, the addition of extra CO2, the yield for the better.
Strawberries can be vegetatively propagated. The plant forms runners (stolons) plants wich again formed. Also, these plants can again form suckers (a healthy plant can produce up to 10 suckers). For the normal growing these plants in the open in late july/early august planted. The subsequent year of these plants can then be harvested strawberries. In the professional cultivation after harvesting the plants destroyed and are re-planted. Individuals often leave the plants to stand there again the next year of harvest. This is not recommended, because the fruits are smaller and the faster the fruits bushy growth may be affected by fruit rot. The breeders use a strawberry plant only for two years after that the production of the plant will decrease. There are many different types of strawberry plants, someday i will go deeper into that.
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