The Eel
The eel is an elongated fish to Anguilla anguilla family. It is a ray-finned fish. Its dorsal fin is very long and runs entirely by. The eel is over 1 meter long. Males are not larger than 40 cm, females are therefore greater. The eel is very common in the whole of Europe and parts of North Africa. The eel has a preference for a muddy bottom, when danger threatens the eel rapidly bury into it. The eel is a night hunter, daytime he is hiding. The eel is widely fished and is therefore a major commercial value in the Netherlands. Smoked eel is a delicacy. I used a lot on eel fishing.
Nowadays it is unfortunately true that the overfishing of the eel. The eel now is in the danger zone. The recovery of this is still uncertain but not impossible. This is due to the long generation time of the eel, it takes two years before the young eels have reached the European waters. For the eel it would be better for a total ban when it comes to fish on the eel. The commercial fishing will not appreciate that, i think its an option for the return of the eel.
The eel is found in all conceivable types of water ditches and small streams. Inside the eel has a large preference for sheltered places. The eel is often found in large numbers behind dams and other water inlets where the water is oxygenated and much food is supplied. He hides behind campshedding or between reed roots, or digs in the bottom. Also in the sea, the eel looks for places to hide, such as mussel beds or shipwrecks. The eel avoids waters where the bottom anoxic conditions may occur. Even heavily soiled parts are avoided. The eel is often more numerous as the water easily is accessible from the sea. The average size of the eel, by contrast, far upstream. A special feature of the eel is that it greatly narrowed by the gill clefts long time out of water and can survive that he has been wandering in (moist) country can move. In this way, the eel land barriers between different bodies of water. This enables the eel to reach isolated waters and to leave them in damp nights to go by land.
The eel hunts mainly on mosquito larvae, mosquito pupae, clams and mussel and exotic basket mussels, amphipods and other small invertebrates. They also eat fish eggs and larvae of other species such as ruffe, perch and roach. Some provisions switching to a diet of fish they are larger than 30 centimeters. They are distinguished by the wide mouth, caused by a wide growth of the maxilla. The wide mouth eel or predator eel shows no genetic differences with normal eels and is a demonstration of the phenotypic plasticity of eel. An eel that wide mouth eel variation exhibits, has a much lower fat content.
Propagations, tensile
Most eels reach between five and fifteen years of residence in fresh water, by adequate food supply, its silver eel stage and then pull back to the spawning grounds. The eel is called a catadromous fish that grows in fresh or brackish water and propagates in the Sargasso Sea at large depth. The larvae migrate helped by the Gulf Stream to Europe. When the juvenile eels have reached a certain amount of fat in his flesh they called silver eels. The animals are fat, the eyes are bigger and they get a light gray color with a white belly, fins are larger and the skin is thicker. At present, the eels are not fully sexually mature. Further sexual development occurs during the trip to the Sargasso Sea by the upper water layers of the Atlantic Ocean. This trip is over 6000 kilometers long.
Fishing for eels
Fishing for eels is always a special experience, this strong fish will not without a fight let it hoist its self from the water to. Typically, a eel could reachabout 1.20m long and weigh upto 3 to 4 kilos. In closed lakes may be possible that the eel will be much bigger. What is the best bait to catch eels? Eels feed on fish, fish eggs and larvae sometimes prey. Also, they are not afraid to eat their own species. Suitable bait to use for catching eels, worms and small fish.
Thats it for today. Cya and take care.
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